I was listening to Rivfader last evening in mom's office. I was hungry, tired, and kinda weak...my vital energy has been low lately...and I fell into a half-trance like sleep. I saw a really weird vision of sorts:
I was being held prisoner by some person in a red neck backyard...trapped in nothing but air...in an almost crucified position. There were large snakes on either wrist...but they didn't weigh my arms down. The one on my right one was redish-pink..and the one on the left was greenish. They both bit my arms. I was watching this from the perspective of at first myself in the vision...then from the view of the one who was holding me captive..somehow...
I watches as I phased somewhat fast, and continuously through the stages of being a child wit grey hair, a young man(25?), and a tall old man. They didn't look like me..but they were me. I tried to shake the vision off but then I saw what I really looked like 3-5 years old...then I shook it all off and got up as mom came into the room.
I had been listening to the more mystical part of the song RivFader.
Any Ideas?
Then this morning apparently I was sitting in bed and I said something to mom in a foreign language then asked about where some other phone was...indicating to a wall..or something..I don't remember anything...I hope she blogs about..then I'll re post her post about it XD...she then said, at the end, you are dreaming..and I said "okay" and fell back asleep...
I awoke not long after that...I was oddly lucid after that dream-talking experience...my body was awake...which ne'er happens during the morning XD
Now for the thoughts.
Do you think...as I do...that it is impossible to do something you don't want to?
I think it is pretty strong..I am trying to figure this specific impossibility out...as with my other theories, metaphysical equations, and the such.
I find it amazing how one thing leads to another...then you can sometimes be so thankful to something conversational that sparks several other conversational topics..then you learn something about someone that makes you hurt, sick, and so angry you want to go tear someones head off with your bare hands? I was grateful to the topic of modern primitivism/tribal body modification...for revealing something else about someone I thought I liked...BLEH! BLEH BLEH BLEHHH!!!!!
Now I should change topics again before I either hack something up making exclaimed noises of disgust; or I get angry, hurt, and sickened.
So...maybe I should allude to another topic?
I had an interesting experience at Best Buy the other night when I went to buy my MP3 player (<3). I learned that Best Buy recently put in a musical instrument section. I talk to this guy about what I need to do vocals in a band...he was showing me a certain mic, amp, and mic converter (that he didn't have..just told me about it)...then he said the unexpected...
"Want to come back to my place and dance naked to black metal and summon Cthulhu from the seas of darkness?"
What he actually said wasn't as shocking...
Something along the lines of picking your favourite chemical substance, then getting a Super Nintendo and playing the Street Fighter that is really fast graphically..or something (I am not sure...I was just saying what I remember him saying), then listen to DragonForce (an ok...just ok...metal band with amazingly fast solos..and all o'er guitar...)
Chemical substances...and drugs in general are not my thing...so we laughed and moved on.
Then he went to to help another customer (he said he wanted to keep talking..but it got late and I had to leave...thus I couldn't wait for him to finish.) but in the time I did wait..I had some fun...:
I found a keyboard that has a screen and a mouse...I scrolled with the mouse to change the instrument, and eventually had a heavy electric guitar. I ripped out this amazing solo on their for like 10 minutes strait XD! Then I went o'er to the electric drums...set it on double bass drums...and played some black metal drums...which was quite brutal...and hard to do...to keep the double bass in the constant onslaught is murder to one's legs...but worth it.
While I was playing keyboard my gum disintegrated/melted in my mouth (not sure how), and I had to swallow it...which was gross and bitter. haha...was actually quite funny afterwards ..and now even more so.
Well...with that I bow farewell...and I am hoping there will be food at the office soon XD. I am rather hungry...in both the normal human...and well...Vamp types of hunger...(energy...both kinds O.o)
Post Scriptum:
check out this song from Korpiklaani called Karhunkaatolaulu (which translates to "Bear Hunt Song"):
It is really quite amazing ^,..,^
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
One thing I must ask you...
...why is there such a lack of comments on my blog? If you read this, COMMENT IT! Then I know that people are reading what I write, thinking about it, and placing commentary with it!!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
About to go to bed...
and tomorrow I will open presents, cook a turkey, and celebrate life.
That is all.
Post Scriptum:
Watch this piece of beautiful music:
That is all.
Post Scriptum:
Watch this piece of beautiful music:
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Why is it...?
Why is it I don't have to know how something will work out for it manifest? Is it all about letting go? I like to think I don't have a ruling ego...but I believe I must..at times at least...Mayhap thinking I don't have a ruling ego shows I have a strong ego.
Why is it I cannot know? I know why I cannot know...to be uncertain...to not know is truly divine and wise. As, if you know...you cannot learn, and truthfully not learning is impossible. If we did not learn...out lives would be pointless and dull. Not just pointless and dullness in the way human minds will view those terms...but a pointlessness and dullness that are so true to the essence of their torturous meanings that we cannot grasp the true essence of that damned pitfall of existence that is truly impossible. The pointlessness and dullness that an existence without learning or teaching would bring is beyond insanity, chaos, order, truth, lies, humanity, and the very energy of wordism that I am using to create these teachings...just the theory I am currently creating (more on this at a later time), this ponders the truly impossible wavelengths of thought...
There are certain things that we just cannot, with human brains, process. Things that cannot be expressed in words, mundane thoughts...and sometimes even art of any form...but rather only in spiritual realizations!
Thus are we cursed? Or...are we protected? Protected from the impossible that is the Truth? Maybe the mundane masses of humanity are the ones needing the protection...but there are the alternative wavelengths of energy...the currents that do not just go with the flow of the Great River of Life...but lead others through it...
Those who live on the boundaries of our world as we know it...who ponder, make others ponder...or just are (alternative).
It is late in the DarkMorning (3:55 in the A.M. at this point)(56 as soon as I finished the closer parentheses of the 55 bit) and I am hoping I am making sense.
Alas though..I must spell check this post and go to bed. Tomorrow, or rather this day I must prepare the turkey for the Feast of the Mass of Christ (XD)...or rather Christmas...the biggest Clausian Hollyday.
Well my brothers and sister, Blessings.
Abraxas, Stranger in Strange World.
Post Scriptum: Please do comment on this...I have been lacking in comments and I don't like that...allow my words to inspire thinking folks! Fall not into the mold of most sleeping human zombies!!! .:.
Why is it I cannot know? I know why I cannot know...to be uncertain...to not know is truly divine and wise. As, if you know...you cannot learn, and truthfully not learning is impossible. If we did not learn...out lives would be pointless and dull. Not just pointless and dullness in the way human minds will view those terms...but a pointlessness and dullness that are so true to the essence of their torturous meanings that we cannot grasp the true essence of that damned pitfall of existence that is truly impossible. The pointlessness and dullness that an existence without learning or teaching would bring is beyond insanity, chaos, order, truth, lies, humanity, and the very energy of wordism that I am using to create these teachings...just the theory I am currently creating (more on this at a later time), this ponders the truly impossible wavelengths of thought...
There are certain things that we just cannot, with human brains, process. Things that cannot be expressed in words, mundane thoughts...and sometimes even art of any form...but rather only in spiritual realizations!
Thus are we cursed? Or...are we protected? Protected from the impossible that is the Truth? Maybe the mundane masses of humanity are the ones needing the protection...but there are the alternative wavelengths of energy...the currents that do not just go with the flow of the Great River of Life...but lead others through it...
Those who live on the boundaries of our world as we know it...who ponder, make others ponder...or just are (alternative).
It is late in the DarkMorning (3:55 in the A.M. at this point)(56 as soon as I finished the closer parentheses of the 55 bit) and I am hoping I am making sense.
Alas though..I must spell check this post and go to bed. Tomorrow, or rather this day I must prepare the turkey for the Feast of the Mass of Christ (XD)...or rather Christmas...the biggest Clausian Hollyday.
Well my brothers and sister, Blessings.
Abraxas, Stranger in Strange World.
Post Scriptum: Please do comment on this...I have been lacking in comments and I don't like that...allow my words to inspire thinking folks! Fall not into the mold of most sleeping human zombies!!! .:.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
So now this early Nothern Morning I write what comes to mind....
It seems the world goes by fast at times, then that same speed dies and allows for the slowness of all true suffering to exist...Then again, sometimes speeding of events is the greater pain. If you are stuck in fire but cannot die, and things were to pass slowly...you burn slowly for eternity in superior pain...and forever would last forever. As for fast, well...Glory and fame could be something that occurs (just as a example I use these things, so forgive my delving so wholly into the material...but allow me the indulgence as it makes it easier to teach my madness...and thus it should be easier to learn as well I should hope) for a short period of time...then it can be over at the snap of fingers, or the burning of a match.
Thus if we are to accept the aforementioned, we can give basis to conjure back to mind the neo-idea...the one that states that time doesn't exist.
And what is with all this 2012 stuff? It is confusing my already recovering mind. I mean...there is a lot out there. The one this Mystic seems to enjoy entertaining to great possibility of is....
Something about how half of the human race will perish, and those who survive are those who are in touch with there Dharma...or mayhap it twas they are in touch with spiritual truth...A mix of the two seems most appropriate.
We have contemplated how it will occur; if it does...Mom had asked if it would be plague...I thought warfare...
Who knows?
It seems there are a lot of doomsday prophecies to go along with this...maybe the world will be cleansed of those who have preyed upon the goddess Gaia for too long.
The Cthulhu Cultist believe that Cthulhu and the Old Ones will rise out of their sleeping trance-dreaming state....and rise from their resting places. Cthulhu is said to live in the corpse city of R'lyeh, and when the stars are right we will awaken. His loyal followers shall open the doors of his chambers and set him free to plunder from world to world....and I think they will be at his side...I need to read more on it.
I like how Finntroll has written, through their lyrics of course, an entire mythology and history surrounded the trolls. Such as the legendary Troll-King Rivfader: it is said that when the white serpent appears in the Nordic sky, then Rivfader shall rise from his sleep to "Strike down the Christian Plague of the North."
This one seems powerful at the least...and seems to go along with the Cthulhu deal...except they get a reptilian sea-monster god priest....
And the Trolls get a King...a powerful king. I am pretty sure Rivfader translates to Rip-Father. He tears flesh from bone or something like that...*brutal*
Here are the lyrics to the song Rivfader (there are other songs that reference to Rivfader...but the song Rivfader is the best source for information on the sleeping Troll-King...as far as I know at the moment. I still have yet to read through the English versions of all the songs...then I can understand the Troll's history, mythology, and everything else...the Et Cetera bin, if you will.
Lyrics were found at www.darklyrics.com
Original Swedish:
Ut långt långt långt i skogen där brinna en eld
Ut långt långt långt i skogen där springa en ulv
Sönder ska han trasa kött och ben av kristi lamm
Nu stiga ohygglig fasa
ur gravens kyla mull och damm
Han kommit igen för att slita huvud och lem.
Äntligen har RivFader kommit hem
"Århundraden må löpa
människoliv må vittra bort
Ty när den vite ormen skådas på den norra himmelen
då skola RivFader stiga ur sin långa sömn
för att slå ner nordens kristna plåga"
Ut långt långt långt i skogen där springa en ulv
Ut långt långt långt i skogen där brinna en eld
Ur vittrans brasa stiga onda tankar fram
The English Translation:
Out far, far, far in the forest there burns a fire
Out far, far, far in the forest there runs a wolf
He shall tear apart flesh and bones of the christian lamb
Now rises appalling terror
from the grave's cold soil and dust
he's coming back to tear heads and limbs down
Finally RivFader has come home
"May centuries run,
may men's lives crumble down.
When the white serpent beholds in the Nordic sky
then shall RivFader rise from his long sleep
to strike down the christian plague of the North."
Out far, far, far in the forest there burns a fire
Out far, far, far in the forest there runs a wolf
From the scent of bonfires evil thoughts are rising
This part was included exactly as copied (both lyrical sets were copied and pasted...worry not):
[A great wolf lurks in the forest and an evil fire burns between the trees. Two prophecies predicting the return of RivFader, a legendary troll-king who once ruled the northern lands. When the white serpent is seen on the arctic sky RivFader returns and shall strike down the followers of the christian plague. Hail, RivFader!]
So this gives us some interesting information on Rivfader...not enough though...not enough...
But there should be attention paid to the quoted prophecie in the middle of the song:
"Århundraden må löpa
människoliv må vittra bort
Ty när den vite ormen skådas på den norra himmelen
då skola RivFader stiga ur sin långa sömn
för att slå ner nordens kristna plåga"
"May centuries run,
may men's lives crumble down.
When the white serpent beholds in the Nordic sky
then shall RivFader rise from his long sleep
to strike down the christian plague of the North."
This will give us something to think on...mayhap one day I will write a short non-fiction on what I have learned about the Trolls of Finntroll's lore and legends.
I must do some research into the Trolls of legends of Aeons past...
Troll Pride!
Hail, Rivfader.
PS: there is a youtube "video" of sorts on the last post containing the song Rivfader. I shall post a differnt video here however...containing the same song.
This is a studio version of the song here: (it differs from the normal version, barely it seems, but none the less...maybe the vibes from this original shall aid us in unlocking the secrets of Rivfader...)
Troll Pride! (again) Hail RivFader!!!
Thus if we are to accept the aforementioned, we can give basis to conjure back to mind the neo-idea...the one that states that time doesn't exist.
And what is with all this 2012 stuff? It is confusing my already recovering mind. I mean...there is a lot out there. The one this Mystic seems to enjoy entertaining to great possibility of is....
Something about how half of the human race will perish, and those who survive are those who are in touch with there Dharma...or mayhap it twas they are in touch with spiritual truth...A mix of the two seems most appropriate.
We have contemplated how it will occur; if it does...Mom had asked if it would be plague...I thought warfare...
Who knows?
It seems there are a lot of doomsday prophecies to go along with this...maybe the world will be cleansed of those who have preyed upon the goddess Gaia for too long.
The Cthulhu Cultist believe that Cthulhu and the Old Ones will rise out of their sleeping trance-dreaming state....and rise from their resting places. Cthulhu is said to live in the corpse city of R'lyeh, and when the stars are right we will awaken. His loyal followers shall open the doors of his chambers and set him free to plunder from world to world....and I think they will be at his side...I need to read more on it.
I like how Finntroll has written, through their lyrics of course, an entire mythology and history surrounded the trolls. Such as the legendary Troll-King Rivfader: it is said that when the white serpent appears in the Nordic sky, then Rivfader shall rise from his sleep to "Strike down the Christian Plague of the North."
This one seems powerful at the least...and seems to go along with the Cthulhu deal...except they get a reptilian sea-monster god priest....
And the Trolls get a King...a powerful king. I am pretty sure Rivfader translates to Rip-Father. He tears flesh from bone or something like that...*brutal*
Here are the lyrics to the song Rivfader (there are other songs that reference to Rivfader...but the song Rivfader is the best source for information on the sleeping Troll-King...as far as I know at the moment. I still have yet to read through the English versions of all the songs...then I can understand the Troll's history, mythology, and everything else...the Et Cetera bin, if you will.
Lyrics were found at www.darklyrics.com
Original Swedish:
Ut långt långt långt i skogen där brinna en eld
Ut långt långt långt i skogen där springa en ulv
Sönder ska han trasa kött och ben av kristi lamm
Nu stiga ohygglig fasa
ur gravens kyla mull och damm
Han kommit igen för att slita huvud och lem.
Äntligen har RivFader kommit hem
"Århundraden må löpa
människoliv må vittra bort
Ty när den vite ormen skådas på den norra himmelen
då skola RivFader stiga ur sin långa sömn
för att slå ner nordens kristna plåga"
Ut långt långt långt i skogen där springa en ulv
Ut långt långt långt i skogen där brinna en eld
Ur vittrans brasa stiga onda tankar fram
The English Translation:
Out far, far, far in the forest there burns a fire
Out far, far, far in the forest there runs a wolf
He shall tear apart flesh and bones of the christian lamb
Now rises appalling terror
from the grave's cold soil and dust
he's coming back to tear heads and limbs down
Finally RivFader has come home
"May centuries run,
may men's lives crumble down.
When the white serpent beholds in the Nordic sky
then shall RivFader rise from his long sleep
to strike down the christian plague of the North."
Out far, far, far in the forest there burns a fire
Out far, far, far in the forest there runs a wolf
From the scent of bonfires evil thoughts are rising
This part was included exactly as copied (both lyrical sets were copied and pasted...worry not):
[A great wolf lurks in the forest and an evil fire burns between the trees. Two prophecies predicting the return of RivFader, a legendary troll-king who once ruled the northern lands. When the white serpent is seen on the arctic sky RivFader returns and shall strike down the followers of the christian plague. Hail, RivFader!]
So this gives us some interesting information on Rivfader...not enough though...not enough...
But there should be attention paid to the quoted prophecie in the middle of the song:
"Århundraden må löpa
människoliv må vittra bort
Ty när den vite ormen skådas på den norra himmelen
då skola RivFader stiga ur sin långa sömn
för att slå ner nordens kristna plåga"
"May centuries run,
may men's lives crumble down.
When the white serpent beholds in the Nordic sky
then shall RivFader rise from his long sleep
to strike down the christian plague of the North."
This will give us something to think on...mayhap one day I will write a short non-fiction on what I have learned about the Trolls of Finntroll's lore and legends.
I must do some research into the Trolls of legends of Aeons past...
Troll Pride!
Hail, Rivfader.
PS: there is a youtube "video" of sorts on the last post containing the song Rivfader. I shall post a differnt video here however...containing the same song.
This is a studio version of the song here: (it differs from the normal version, barely it seems, but none the less...maybe the vibes from this original shall aid us in unlocking the secrets of Rivfader...)
Troll Pride! (again) Hail RivFader!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Musik Post...
I plan on doing a music-based blog...but..I feel like I should do a music based post here. The blog will be metal based...maybe i'll do another blog non-metal ecclectic music...
So I shall do some three different genres...
Let's start with Black Metal...Gorgoroth, and Dimmu Borgir.
Gorgoroth - Carving a Giant
Gorgoroth - Unchain My Heart
Dimmu Borgir - Black Metal (it's a cover)
Now Troll Metal...
Finntroll is a Troll Metal band that mixes Black Metal with Finnish Polka called Humpa.
Finntroll - Rivfader
Finntroll - Nedgang
Now...another Troll Metal band TrollfesT,...they are more on the folky..and drunken side..
TrollfesT - Trinkenvisen
TrollfesT - PiratKriegen
And for the final genre...we have FOLK METAL!!!! Pure Fucking FOLK METAL, Fuckers! YARHARHARHARHAR!XD
Korpiklaani - Keep on Galloping
Eluveite - Inis Mona
Moonsorrow - Sankarihauta
Hail to the Metal my brothers of the Hammer!
So I shall do some three different genres...
Let's start with Black Metal...Gorgoroth, and Dimmu Borgir.
Gorgoroth - Carving a Giant
Gorgoroth - Unchain My Heart
Dimmu Borgir - Black Metal (it's a cover)
Now Troll Metal...
Finntroll is a Troll Metal band that mixes Black Metal with Finnish Polka called Humpa.
Finntroll - Rivfader
Finntroll - Nedgang
Now...another Troll Metal band TrollfesT,...they are more on the folky..and drunken side..
TrollfesT - Trinkenvisen
TrollfesT - PiratKriegen
And for the final genre...we have FOLK METAL!!!! Pure Fucking FOLK METAL, Fuckers! YARHARHARHARHAR!XD
Korpiklaani - Keep on Galloping
Eluveite - Inis Mona
Moonsorrow - Sankarihauta
Hail to the Metal my brothers of the Hammer!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Of Twilight's Teen Vampires, Romance, Blood, Faux Fangs, and Friends...
I just got back from the midnight premiere of Twilight! It was AMAZING!..MAGICKAL!..and I could throw about an infinite amount of words out to describe how amazing this night was...:P...but eventually I would sadly run out of words and start making various noises and sound effects...I am guessing a few would be obscene...and a few would turn heads with faces that had expressions cast unto them..expressions of supreme oddness. (Or rather like they have acknowledged the oddness.)
Well, any who, I went with several friends...Shellie (who bought my ticket as a I.O.U. Birthday present, thanks again BTW), Isaac (who made some interesting commentary with me during the previews and film...and during the pre- and post- stages as well XD), Marie, Ryan, Andrew and his sister, Shellie and Marie's mom, and Ryan's mom...though some of the later are not as close as the the formers. The movie was beyond amazing...truly ^,..,^
And yes...I wore my fangs...how could I deny the chance to show of the image of Vampire...being a Vampyre myself? Shellie also wore fangs...though hers where not as notice-able...they were subtle kind, and mine are the more theatrical kind...may be the "Naturals" or maybe her's were the naturals...I know not.
All in all I had an amazing time. I felt very connected, through this popular image of a vampire, to my psychic vampyrism. I don't think it would be half bad to be more like the charismatic vampire, eh? Michelle Belanger says the Psychic Vampyre has a charisma that is very mysterious...which I agree with...maybe I try to be more like who I am inide? It has just made me think...about all that. If I try to be more like the person I am internally...then will I be happier? Or will I fall into madness? I opt for happiness..with a hint of insanity. I think that would make for an ideal eccentric alternative lifestyle, don't you? Well..I shall do that very thing...I'll work physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to unlock my innerself and step into that truth...it should be amazing.
Well my friends...It is time I got some sleep...
Blessings and Best wishes for your personal quests my friends,
And know I raise my glass: heres to finding my Bella Swan...
.:.Abraxas; Wizard, Vampyre, Poet, and seeker of truth, love, and divine happiness....:.
PS: Isaac...Cat...XDXDXD
Well, any who, I went with several friends...Shellie (who bought my ticket as a I.O.U. Birthday present, thanks again BTW), Isaac (who made some interesting commentary with me during the previews and film...and during the pre- and post- stages as well XD), Marie, Ryan, Andrew and his sister, Shellie and Marie's mom, and Ryan's mom...though some of the later are not as close as the the formers. The movie was beyond amazing...truly ^,..,^
And yes...I wore my fangs...how could I deny the chance to show of the image of Vampire...being a Vampyre myself? Shellie also wore fangs...though hers where not as notice-able...they were subtle kind, and mine are the more theatrical kind...may be the "Naturals" or maybe her's were the naturals...I know not.
All in all I had an amazing time. I felt very connected, through this popular image of a vampire, to my psychic vampyrism. I don't think it would be half bad to be more like the charismatic vampire, eh? Michelle Belanger says the Psychic Vampyre has a charisma that is very mysterious...which I agree with...maybe I try to be more like who I am inide? It has just made me think...about all that. If I try to be more like the person I am internally...then will I be happier? Or will I fall into madness? I opt for happiness..with a hint of insanity. I think that would make for an ideal eccentric alternative lifestyle, don't you? Well..I shall do that very thing...I'll work physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to unlock my innerself and step into that truth...it should be amazing.
Well my friends...It is time I got some sleep...
Blessings and Best wishes for your personal quests my friends,
And know I raise my glass: heres to finding my Bella Swan...
.:.Abraxas; Wizard, Vampyre, Poet, and seeker of truth, love, and divine happiness....:.
PS: Isaac...Cat...XDXDXD
Saturday, November 8, 2008
It has been ages since I have posted...
I haven't posted since this summer....and I must write...as A LOT has happened since that post.
First we went to Phantom of the Opera...I cannot recall the date...but it was amazing!!! A magickal, gothique and romantic performance. I absolutely loved it.
Then I attended the second Oregon session of NBTSC, also known as Not Back to School Camp. I was transformed by the experience. It was one of the more amazing things ever... The amount of love felt between everyone at camp was beyond words...and the number of hugs I gave and received I truly cannot count... I had many spiritual revelations...and what seemed like a mystical/spiritual awakening. It may have had something to do with the ceremonies; my spiritual openness; the pure energy of love and goodness in the air; or maybe it was the fact that I slept in the frigid night air, surrounded by the giants trees...the earthen brothers and sisters, and under the infinite stars and planets in the sky...the astral gods and goddess they were...and we could see them all. (Including shooting stars every minute so it seemed...)...but in truth it was all of that that brought me to a point of higher spiritual awakening. (also my dreams in the cold air, with the trees and under the stars were very vivid, eccentric, trippy, and mystical...wonder if that counts for something?) I did get really sick..and I did lack A LOT of sleep! But I think the spiritual energy that was infused in the whole of camp through all mentioned above...and the fact that there was a lot of ambient energy I was able to feed off of that really kept me going. (Speaking of feeding off of energy..don't even get me started on the energy experimenting Eddie and I did with Seth, Levi, and Maelstrom ...there may have been others but I am not sure XD)
Then the night before my birthday I saw my first metal concert with mom! Not just any concert either...it was my favourite band ever...from Finland...: Nightwish!!!!
The Nightwish concert was amazing, and it blew me away...It was truly surreal...
The opening act by another symphonic metal band from Finland, was Sonata Arctica...
Now Sonata puts on an amazing show...and I really got into their music that night. On the my birthday the next day, aka 9-11, I ordered two of their albums using an e-gift card my good friend, and spiritual student gave to me earlier that month.
It has been an interesting journey since. These days after my new homeopathic remedy I have been feeling adventurous and ready for the great quest of life. Seeking myself and the mystical truths.
Namasté, Blessed Be, and May Your Path be Blessed by the Spirits of Goodness,
Abraxas the Wizard, Vampyric Mystic, and Shaman of the Darkness and Mysterie...
(PS...if any members of The Unseen Path read this...place comments..we need to reunite, Blessings)
First we went to Phantom of the Opera...I cannot recall the date...but it was amazing!!! A magickal, gothique and romantic performance. I absolutely loved it.
Then I attended the second Oregon session of NBTSC, also known as Not Back to School Camp. I was transformed by the experience. It was one of the more amazing things ever... The amount of love felt between everyone at camp was beyond words...and the number of hugs I gave and received I truly cannot count... I had many spiritual revelations...and what seemed like a mystical/spiritual awakening. It may have had something to do with the ceremonies; my spiritual openness; the pure energy of love and goodness in the air; or maybe it was the fact that I slept in the frigid night air, surrounded by the giants trees...the earthen brothers and sisters, and under the infinite stars and planets in the sky...the astral gods and goddess they were...and we could see them all. (Including shooting stars every minute so it seemed...)...but in truth it was all of that that brought me to a point of higher spiritual awakening. (also my dreams in the cold air, with the trees and under the stars were very vivid, eccentric, trippy
Then the night before my birthday I saw my first metal concert with mom! Not just any concert either...it was my favourite band ever...from Finland...: Nightwish!!!!
The Nightwish concert was amazing, and it blew me away...It was truly surreal...
The opening act by another symphonic metal band from Finland, was Sonata Arctica...
Now Sonata puts on an amazing show...and I really got into their music that night. On the my birthday the next day, aka 9-11, I ordered two of their albums using an e-gift card my good friend, and spiritual student gave to me earlier that month.
It has been an interesting journey since. These days after my new homeopathic remedy I have been feeling adventurous and ready for the great quest of life. Seeking myself and the mystical truths.
Namasté, Blessed Be, and May Your Path be Blessed by the Spirits of Goodness,
Abraxas the Wizard, Vampyric Mystic, and Shaman of the Darkness and Mysterie...
(PS...if any members of The Unseen Path read this...place comments..we need to reunite, Blessings)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Change is scary...
especially when one "awakens" to somthing...they cant even really tell people...grr.
This shit leads me to being nocturnal and what not...as I cannot sleep any night!
And bright lights have been killing me....grrr...and the rest...well...maybe someone will understand this...its just a mile stone for me...
This shit leads me to being nocturnal and what not...as I cannot sleep any night!
And bright lights have been killing me....grrr...and the rest...well...maybe someone will understand this...its just a mile stone for me...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
4th of july...and clearing up from an old post...
I must say my Fourth of July was pretty grand. We had our own fireworks...and we made friends as well ^.^
Earlier in the day I had a breakdown...and it was pretty bad...but I got over it...and had a good time.
now for the clear up...
I had posted before about Megan...and then my friend Isaac left a comment. (Hope I am spelling your name right...names and me do not mix, heh) He has said somthing about her and I was like, "oh.. forgot to say.."
for the record, we broke up a few months back...but are still really really good friends...but I wanted to clear the confusion.
That's all for this Post...I'm sure i'll post more this early morning...
Blessed Be,
Earlier in the day I had a breakdown...and it was pretty bad...but I got over it...and had a good time.
now for the clear up...
I had posted before about Megan...and then my friend Isaac left a comment. (Hope I am spelling your name right...names and me do not mix, heh) He has said somthing about her and I was like, "oh.. forgot to say.."
for the record, we broke up a few months back...but are still really really good friends...but I wanted to clear the confusion.
That's all for this Post...I'm sure i'll post more this early morning...
Blessed Be,
Friday, June 27, 2008
Musical Post...
I have to plug a few videos of various types...nothing metal today...just a few pieces I really like, here we go:
Rasputina - "1816 the Year Without a Summer"
Kikyo's Theme:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdbieHYY0z0 (This song invokes strong sadness...I love it)
Marco Hietala (my fav. singer...he is metal..this song isn't) - Ave Maria
(not metal..but a metal band:) Korpiklaani doing some Yoiking:
Stay Artistic thy knows selves,
Rasputina - "1816 the Year Without a Summer"
Kikyo's Theme:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdbieHYY0z0 (This song invokes strong sadness...I love it)
Marco Hietala (my fav. singer...he is metal..this song isn't) - Ave Maria
(not metal..but a metal band:) Korpiklaani doing some Yoiking:
Stay Artistic thy knows selves,
The Symphony
I went to the Symphony this eve...and I am still in musical ecstasy...I shall Post a poem about it all...soon...tomorrow mayhap...and a picture maybe? we all dressed up..so yea...Oh! and this lady in front of us kept giving us dirty looks...thus I returned it twice with a look a Panther like myself would normally reserve for prey...but this worked nicly, hehehe.
till then, and with hopes forrr another purrrrfect eve,
Abraxas the Panther Wizard of the Darklands
till then, and with hopes forrr another purrrrfect eve,
Abraxas the Panther Wizard of the Darklands
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
It is time...
I rekindle the fire. Alow this man of mystic studies to take back up the pen. As a Shaman I have been connecting with my Inner Panther (prrr). I feel that becominf intuned with the wild soul of Panther is somthing must do...as for why? We shall see my friends. The Incarnated Angel in me? He is going onward in selfdiscovery. The Wizard is starting again on his path...I was thinking of rejoining the Grey School of Wizardry. (even though I kicked out by Prof. Moonwriter and Prof. Sherwood...acting too much like be-tusk'ed facist fucking pigs, man.) I run like a complex systme of spsitual pipelines. hahaha.
The Mystic goes on seeking.
The scholar? He is about to study french to impress his probable soulmate. No, not Ceara..she had too much anger and hate...i could not deal with it. I met someone new...but i shall get into that later...I also plan on continueing my studies of the
Ku Klux Klan...always somthing that interested me...no, it spellbounded me...so bizaar...
So...this girl?
Her name is Megan...I call her Megsi (hehe). I am very much in love. There is only one problem. I am here and she is in New Zealand. I plan to go either in march...or when i turn 18...when i begin my travels for enlightenment and Lemurian truths.
I love you all,
Blessings beautiful children of Gaia!
Panther Angel...out ;)
The Mystic goes on seeking.
The scholar? He is about to study french to impress his probable soulmate. No, not Ceara..she had too much anger and hate...i could not deal with it. I met someone new...but i shall get into that later...I also plan on continueing my studies of the
Ku Klux Klan...always somthing that interested me...no, it spellbounded me...so bizaar...
So...this girl?
Her name is Megan...I call her Megsi (hehe). I am very much in love. There is only one problem. I am here and she is in New Zealand. I plan to go either in march...or when i turn 18...when i begin my travels for enlightenment and Lemurian truths.
I love you all,
Blessings beautiful children of Gaia!
Panther Angel...out ;)
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