Saturday, July 12, 2008

Change is scary...

especially when one "awakens" to somthing...they cant even really tell people...grr.

This shit leads me to being nocturnal and what I cannot sleep any night!

And bright lights have been killing me....grrr...and the rest...well...maybe someone will understand this...its just a mile stone for me...


WolfAngel said...

Poor vampy... =(

Globetrotter said...

that's um..... very strange......... so you just can't get to sleep at all? or is it that you can't sleep for any duration without waking up to this "something that you can't tell people?" And you say bright lights bother you? Are you having pain in one place (like your forehead or temples) when you're around it? You may want to see a doctor if that continues too much longer...

WolfAngel said...

Isaac, you're waaaaay off base. Alas, I can't say anything... Well, except for what I said before....poor poor vampy.

Globetrotter said...

wait..... you're a vampire Mathew? Is that why bright lights bother you? And why you can't sleep at night? ....... awesome! ..... and bad ... cause of the sleeping and bright lights ............ but still awesome! XD

Anonymous said...

MAKE THE BRIGHT LIGHT GO AWAY! um... heh... try putting up a blanket over the window, though with how old this post is, I my advice may be too late...

WolfAngel said...

Yeah, it probably is. I'd like to note that, for anyone who doesn't already know, this blog probably won't be in use for a very long time...

Globetrotter said...


WolfAngel said...

I suppose you could say that.

Globetrotter said...

Oh "could" I? What else "could" I say? =D

WolfAngel said...

You "could" say anything. You "could" say that Matthew is a banana (which would be why he wasn't posting at the moment XP). You "could" also say that aliens are about to attack at this very moment (he's busy either defending us or helping them O_O). OR you "could" say that you're just a total dork-o (scared him off -_-). You "could" say anything; it just doesn't necessarily have to be true. ^_^

Globetrotter said...

..... okay, just curious ..... =/

I'm going to have to go with number 2. I'm not sure which side he's on, but 2 seems the most likely to me. =P

WolfAngel said...

Haha, yeah. Number 2 is most likely. By the way, in case you couldn't tell, I was just kidding about number 3. ; /

Globetrotter said...

oh, ya....... well, no actually.

It's cool though. No biggy.

The Wizard said...

Why do you guys insist on talking about me? Heh...Shelly your logic is as messed up as too Isaac...

Globetrotter said...

well, this is your blog..... and your post was about yourself, so... ya. lol

Globetrotter said...

plus, what you wrote was a bit mysterious and vague which naturally lends itself to discussion.