Saturday, July 12, 2008

Change is scary...

especially when one "awakens" to somthing...they cant even really tell people...grr.

This shit leads me to being nocturnal and what I cannot sleep any night!

And bright lights have been killing me....grrr...and the rest...well...maybe someone will understand this...its just a mile stone for me...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

4th of july...and clearing up from an old post...

I must say my Fourth of July was pretty grand. We had our own fireworks...and we made friends as well ^.^

Earlier in the day I had a breakdown...and it was pretty bad...but I got over it...and had a good time.


now for the clear up...
I had posted before about Megan...and then my friend Isaac left a comment. (Hope I am spelling your name right...names and me do not mix, heh) He has said somthing about her and I was like, "oh.. forgot to say.."
for the record, we broke up a few months back...but are still really really good friends...but I wanted to clear the confusion.

That's all for this Post...I'm sure i'll post more this early morning...

Blessed Be,