Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Why is it...?

Why is it I don't have to know how something will work out for it manifest? Is it all about letting go? I like to think I don't have a ruling ego...but I believe I times at least...Mayhap thinking I don't have a ruling ego shows I have a strong ego.

Why is it I cannot know? I know why I cannot be not know is truly divine and wise. As, if you cannot learn, and truthfully not learning is impossible. If we did not learn...out lives would be pointless and dull. Not just pointless and dullness in the way human minds will view those terms...but a pointlessness and dullness that are so true to the essence of their torturous meanings that we cannot grasp the true essence of that damned pitfall of existence that is truly impossible. The pointlessness and dullness that an existence without learning or teaching would bring is beyond insanity, chaos, order, truth, lies, humanity, and the very energy of wordism that I am using to create these teachings...just the theory I am currently creating (more on this at a later time), this ponders the truly impossible wavelengths of thought...

There are certain things that we just cannot, with human brains, process. Things that cannot be expressed in words, mundane thoughts...and sometimes even art of any form...but rather only in spiritual realizations!

Thus are we cursed? Or...are we protected? Protected from the impossible that is the Truth? Maybe the mundane masses of humanity are the ones needing the protection...but there are the alternative wavelengths of energy...the currents that do not just go with the flow of the Great River of Life...but lead others through it...

Those who live on the boundaries of our world as we know it...who ponder, make others ponder...or just are (alternative).

It is late in the DarkMorning (3:55 in the A.M. at this point)(56 as soon as I finished the closer parentheses of the 55 bit) and I am hoping I am making sense.

Alas though..I must spell check this post and go to bed. Tomorrow, or rather this day I must prepare the turkey for the Feast of the Mass of Christ (XD)...or rather Christmas...the biggest Clausian Hollyday.

Well my brothers and sister, Blessings.
Abraxas, Stranger in Strange World.

Post Scriptum: Please do comment on this...I have been lacking in comments and I don't like that...allow my words to inspire thinking folks! Fall not into the mold of most sleeping human zombies!!! .:.


WolfAngel said...

I would simply like to say that boys (like Isaac and my dad) just don't seem to pay very close attention to things. Like how your blog says please do comment, while Isaac was talking to me earlier about how it said please don't comment. *rolls eyes* My dad also did several things tonight that were...yeeeaaaah. Silly, to say the least. See? This is why females exist. To point things out. Now if only we could get these guys to actually listen... XP

(jk, Isaac, you usually listen ^_^)

The Wizard said...

Whiich kind of Things did he do?