Sunday, March 30, 2008

It is time...

I rekindle the fire. Alow this man of mystic studies to take back up the pen. As a Shaman I have been connecting with my Inner Panther (prrr). I feel that becominf intuned with the wild soul of Panther is somthing must for why? We shall see my friends. The Incarnated Angel in me? He is going onward in selfdiscovery. The Wizard is starting again on his path...I was thinking of rejoining the Grey School of Wizardry. (even though I kicked out by Prof. Moonwriter and Prof. Sherwood...acting too much like be-tusk'ed facist fucking pigs, man.) I run like a complex systme of spsitual pipelines. hahaha.

The Mystic goes on seeking.
The scholar? He is about to study french to impress his probable soulmate. No, not Ceara..she had too much anger and hate...i could not deal with it. I met someone new...but i shall get into that later...I also plan on continueing my studies of the
Ku Klux Klan...always somthing that interested, it spellbounded bizaar...

So...this girl?
Her name is Megan...I call her Megsi (hehe). I am very much in love. There is only one problem. I am here and she is in New Zealand. I plan to go either in march...or when i turn 18...when i begin my travels for enlightenment and Lemurian truths.

I love you all,
Blessings beautiful children of Gaia!

Panther Angel...out ;)