Monday, May 26, 2008


is an odd journey isn't?


WolfAngel said...

Being the first post on your entire blog, I feel this should be something really awesome. Hmm... Let's go to Mars, Man!

Globetrotter said...

Yo... Mathew right? lol this girl from New Zealand..... how'd ya meet her anyway?


WolfAngel said...

I believe he met her over the internet.

Globetrotter said...

Ya, I figured that. lol has she sent you any pictures yet Mathew? If so, you should post 'em. =)

WolfAngel said...

If she did, I doubt he'd post them. It wouldn't be very polite.

Globetrotter said...

not very polite to who?

her or us?

WolfAngel said...

To her. I dunno. It just wouldn't seem right without her permission.

Globetrotter said...

Oh, of course.

I took for granted that he'd get her permission first. Sorry.

WolfAngel said...

Gotcha. Haha, Matthew's gonna see all these posts and be like, "What the crap?!?".

The Wizard said...

what the crap?

WolfAngel said...

Haha! XD

Globetrotter said...

Yeah! Shellie's a prophet!

The Wizard said...

Aye she is...or is she? ahhh!!! :P