Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Where are we in the end?

Human experience seems to be one of extremes and imbalance...

One man runs wild in the realm of freedom/chaos
One man stands like stone in discipline/order

I ask you as a fellow being experiencing the human experience...When will we learn to reach a balance? When will life actually work?

I am pretty sure I am failing this Game of Life at the moment...

I have been told I need to become a man...and ascend from my childish ways of doing things. Maybe I should stop looking for a Right of Passage...and simply go out into the world and let the Initiation into Manhood come to me.

That is why I am being pushed out on my own at 18, and I truly am happy to be able to set on my own quest. But...where do I start? How do I do it? I need to find some fellow seekers to journey with and fast.

I am rather scared about what lies ahead.

But I know this:
There is Life. That is it. Life is. Life is not good, Life is not bad...Life is GOD, and GOD is perfect. That being said...one must either see the perfection, or be blinded by it and see only horror and disgust.

It is time to choose, I say unto thyn self.

Blessed Be,
Abraxas I.:.A.:.O.:.


WolfAngel said...

Whoa, man...DEEP. -.-

Globetrotter said...

indeed... so what exactly is implied there when you say you're being "pushed out on your own?" You're 18 right? Do you mean you're going to like get a job and your own place pretty soon? ... that is a big leap. *understatement*

Meg said...

Don't fear being "pushed out on your own" cause you're not actually. Your family might be encouraging you to grow in your own direction more, but you'll never be "on your own".

And don't worry about Rites of Passage - aren't they often just part of the one-size-fits-all rules that you criticize in your most recent post? Just do what works for you. Look to others who've gone before you if it helps, but only follow them if it genuinely does help.

The Wizard said...

I do not worry about rights of passage..I crave one