Five or six weeks ago we left to go to Ashand, OR. to find a house to move to from the hell-hole of Palm Springs. (not all of the desert is a death pit,_to stop future disagreements of the Desert, Doug :>D) We go to Ashland to find a house. Such a spiritual place, one could hardly blame Merlin for falling in love with it. We spent a jolly week there. Part of the time hanging out with my cousin who is going to school the 43 or somthing...and he is the like the only republican in Ashland...ha.
Then we went to the Oregon coast, where I got my Gnome Bandon...from Bandon, OR.
I also discovered a new on one sandy beach with 40 MPH winds...yup. In a later post I will place ALL my photographs. :)
This was very enjoyable, and I still my earthen roots placed at the threshold of my inner circle.
Between Myspace and my Phonecalls to dearest Ceara and my good friend Sean (Of my Church of Santa...again later post.)
Then back to Ashland for a time.
We then headed to the Holy, and Highly Magickal Mt. Shasta...threashold of my brotherine Atlantians and Lemurians! .:.
As we approched town we got a call from our landlords..."the house was broken into"
Police tell us everything was stolen, landlords head over from San Fransisco to find "nothing was taken"
We get there in two days to find a protected wreckage.
Apparently all the magick I worked in the house protected only a few things where snatched. Perhaps my guardian spirits are as powerfull as I worship them to be!
Well what was taken was two rings, a braclet, and a ps2 with games and accesseries.
We then desided to move...chaoticly paking...
today we went to disneyland...2/29/07...seperate post.
Blessed be,
Merlin Coghill,
.:.The Wizard.:.